Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hugo class trip.

    Today, our class went to see the magical movie, Hugo! The movie was emotional and unpredictable. It showed me that life can be adventurous and you should never give up. I think you should watch Hugo because it is so suspenseful and full of action! I my opinion, it is better than pizza! There were adorable scenes, sublime scenes, and nerve-wracking scenes that leave you only guessing what wonderful, eye-catching, interesting things will come next! The movie brings you back in time to follow Hugo in this marvelous movie. So, what are you waiting for? Hop into a taxi, bike, car, train, helicopter, or whatever you use for transportation and head to the theaters to see the amazing movie, The Inventions of Hugo Cabret! (or just Hugo) In theaters now!!! Enjoy the show! (if you watch it...and you better!!!)

1 comment:

  1. How dare you say it was better than pizza! Nothing is better than pizza!;]
